US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement

As we prepare to meet in Colombia for our annual conference, here are two videos on the impending US -Colombia Free Trade Agreement, negotiated in 2006 but only now coming to the U.S. Congress for final ratification before its August recess. The following videos from the US Office on Colombia, a non-profit group, discuss the impacts of the FTA for Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities, and for small-scale farmers and workers.


Follow the link for US folks to get involved, or learn more about how Colombian workers will join the AFL-CIO’s campaign in Washington in July to defeat ratification.

Engineering/Social Justice Zine (Reconstruct)

Call for submissions: Online and printed zine about the intersections of social justice & engineering
Title: Reconstruct, Volume 3
Deadline for submission: May 31, 2011
Call: See attached file

The editors of Reconstruct are asking for submissions for Volume 3 of the zine to be printed in July 2011. We are asking for submissions from practitioners, students, and academics, who have something to say about the intersections of social justice and engineering/technology/engineering education. We are accepting art, writing, prose, poetry, essays, collages, lyrics, photos, reviews of films/books, or any other type of media that can be included in an online/printed zine. To see the type of submissions included in previous volumes of the zine, view Volume 1 and 2 of Reconstruct following this link:

We believe that zines such as this are important in reconstructing our practices as engineers, reaching out to those outside our communities, and sharing our self-reflections with each other. Please consider contributing to this important effort.

Send all submissions to by May 31, 2011. If it can’t be emailed, email us and we will figure out a way to get your work submitted.

In your submission, please include:
– Your name (or name you want to be published)
– Contact information (in case we need to talk to you about your work — will not be published)
– A brief (50-100 word) bio or description of who you are/what you do, etc (not required).
– Your piece/submission should be in an attachment, not copy/pasted into the email. (If you have trouble with attachments, email us for help!)

What is ESJP?
ESJP is a network of academics, students and practitioners across a wide range of disciplines, who are asking two basic questions:
What does engineering look like which is socially just?
What does the education of these engineers look like?
For more:

What is Reconstruct?
Reconstruct is an online/printed open zine put together by member contributions. It explores the intersections of social justice, engineering, and technology. It is a zine committed to envisioning and practicing engineering in ways that identify and dismantle specific occurrences of injustice related to engineering and technology. Some contributions are from members of the ESJP network, others are not.

Here are some questions that could serve as starting points for submissions to Reconstruct:
– How do we talk about race/racism/colonialism in engineering education?
– Have you felt your personal identity or one aspect of your identity (trans, woman, differently abled) to be excluded from the culture of engineering?
– How do we practice engineering in a way that promotes accountability to our community(ies)?
– Is there a particular protest/direct action/occupation you are involved in that you would like to talk about?
– Is there a film/book/artwork that challenges technological injustice (anti-mining murals come to mind)?

Future Plans for ESJP (an action plan)

In the last session of the conference, Caroline asked everyone to divide up into four groups to plan out future ESJP activities. Each of the groups was asked to plan out a certain section of ESJP plans. They were:

  • Research
  • Activism
  • Dissemination
  • Zine

Each of the plans are displayed below. Click on them for the larger picture.