ESJP 2020

English | Español

We are very sorry to announce the postponement of the ESJP conference in Colombia this year.
Our Critical Conversation retreat will still go ahead on June 26th/27th.  Our annual Critical conversation retreat is usually held in a beautiful nature retreat in upstate NY. This year, if meetings and travel are still unwise, we will be hosting the event as a virtual gathering. We believe that it is imperative that such conversations continue to happen and that we find ways to connect and support one another and those who are vulnerable.  The conversation will adopt an ‘Open Space’ approach where participants will be facilitated to create their own agenda. This year, we will be assessing our past and current situation and focus on pathways to a new future, as well as ways that we can help our neighbors in this critical time of need. 
If we are to go ahead with an line version of this meeting there would be no free but we do ask for people to commit to the whole weekend so we can retreat as far as possible from the strains of our usual strange existences.  If you would like to join us in the event that it is online, please contact us to register. 

Call for contributions XV ESJP 2020

Hybrid Praxes
Transforming society from diverse theories and actions

We call contributions that reflect and act from hybrid places, in other words, that possess characteristics of different theoretical, conceptual or methodological nature in the relation of Engineering, Social Justice and Peace. A tribute is made to the work of two Latin Americans: Paulo Freire (Brazilian pedagogue and activist) and Orlando Fals Borda (Colombian sociologist and activist); from their efforts to create a praxis located and contextualized in a critical education. To nurture their reflections, perspectives are included where the dialogue of knowledge gives way to conversation, co-construction, consciousness, decoloniality, and respect for others knowledge. In this way, thinking in hybrid praxis invites us to create, from different places and with diverse social groups and individuals, transformations in reality, where technology is nourished by social dynamics and society is transformed by technology in a bidirectional relationship. In particular, Colombia is an exploration scenario for Engineering, Social Justice and Peace especially after the signing of the agreement between the Government and the FARC-EP in 2016 and the multiple threats to compliance and implementation.


Lines of encounter:

  1. Transformative education
  2. Actions with purpose
  3. Emancipatory Reflections

Collective Workshops
Speaker Spaces
Artistic samples

2019 October 12 – Launching of the call for contributions and opening of the call for contributions.
2020 February 01 – Opening of volunteer registration
2020 February 23 – Final date for submission of abstracts and workshop proposals. Midnight.
2020 March 15 – Notification of acceptance of contributions.
2020 March 15 – Deadline for volunteer registration
2020 June 11-13 – XV ESJP 2020 Conference
2020 – Pre-conference events

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad Sergio Arboleda & Uma Kiwe


National Recognition Technology for Social Justice.
Community-based initiatives at the intersection of Engineering, Social Justice and Peace

In the context of the XV International Conference on Engineering, Social Justice and Peace that will be held in June 2020 in the city of Bogotá (Colombia), it is proposed to recognize community-based initiatives related to the role of technology for social justice. This recognition will be made in memory of the engineers who were murdered while carrying out their work in territories where the armed and social conflict is still latent. In a first event, on October 31, 2019, during surveying tasks in the municipality of Corinto (Cauca – Colombia), Carlos Mario López, Roosevelt Saavedra, Diego Alejandro Cerquera Picón and Diego Hernán Rodríguez were murdered; and in a second event, on December 7, 2019, while carrying out telecommunications tasks in the municipality of Paz (Cauca – Colombia), Oscar Eduardo Fajardo Muelas and Daniel Quiñónez Orobio were assassinated. The first edition will have a national scope for the Republic of Colombia.

Link to register the initiatives (In Spanish)

March 1    Open the registration to the Technology for Social Justice Recognition.
April 6      Closing of applications for the Recognition
April 27    Announcement of winning organizations and honorable mentions
June 12   Delivery of the plaques of recognition and honorable mentions.

More information: