ESJP 2015: Call for Contributions

Make your plans to come to the

11th Annual Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace (ESJP) Conference !

The conference website is up with registration and detailed agenda.

September 3-6, 2015, UPRM Campus, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

Call for Contributions (June 1 deadline for proposals; Sept 1 deadline for papers)

Llama para Contribuciones

Appel à Contributions

Apél de Patisipasyon

Launch of Agnese Nelms Haury program in Environment and Social Justice at University of Arizona

Subject: Launch of Agnese Nelms Haury program in Environment and Social Justice at University of Arizona

We are pleased to announce the Agnese Nelms Haury program in Environment and Social Justice at the University of Arizona funded by a $50 million endowment to the UA Foundation from her estate.

The program will support many activities of interest to cultural and political ecologists open to all including a visiting fellows program (come to Tucson on sabbatical! We will have some openings for this spring) and conferences.

At the University of Arizona the program is supporting several initiatives led by geographers including some graduate awards, undergraduate student engagement programs led by geographer Sallie Marston and Ben Champion,  a border environment program coordinated by geographer Chris Scott etc.

Anthropology, archaeology, and southwest studies are also part of the program with strong links to cultural and political ecology.

As an aside, Mrs Haury’s was married to Emil Haury, friend of geographers, especially Carl Sauer. Mrs Haury herself was an amazing woman (see bio on web site)

For more information see:

(contact me if you are interested in a sabbatical visit of a month or so in Spring 2014)

Professor Diana Liverman
Institute of the Environment
University of Arizona
PO Box 210158b,
Tucson, Arizona 85721
[On sabbatical June 2014-July 2015]

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IJESJP: Call for papers 2014

The Editors of  the International Journal for Engineering, Social Justice and Peace (IJESJP) are currently inviting contributions. Now in its third year, this open-source journal publishes on a wide range of contemporary and historical issues related to engineering and its intersections with social justice and peace.

IJESJP seeks to advance engineering thinking and practices that enhance gender, racial, class, and cultural equity and are democratic, non-oppressive, and non-violent. The journal serves practicing engineers, engineering educators, social scientists, activists, and a broad audience interested in better understanding the progressive potential of engineering. Unhindered by the constraints of corporate publishing houses and their impulse for sales, IJESJP welcomes critical discourses on engineering, including its political-economic contexts. To practice our commitments, IJESJP is freely accessible on-line and uses a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for all published content. IJESJP publishes scholarly articles, critical reflections, book reviews, editorials, and other formats as appropriate to the journal’s mission. Articles are refereed (double-blind peer review) and must be of high quality. The Editors work closely with reviewers to facilitate constructive feedback and advancing submitted manuscripts to publication with short lead time. IJESJP’s Editorial Board, Advisory Board, and authors are international and highly interdisciplinary.

IJESJP accepts manuscripts on an on-going basis. Papers for consideration for the first issue of 2014 must be received by April 1st. To submit an article, or to learn more about the journal, please visit our website at

We look forward to your contributions!

The IJESJP Editors

ESJP 2013 conference: Call for Participation

The ninth annual international Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace (ESJP) conference will be held in Troy, New York, 14-16 August 2013. We invite your participation to discuss topics related to the intersection of engineering, social justice, and peace.

The program will include presentations by international experts in the field, workshops, panel discussions, and a performance. Attendees will include scholars, practitioners, engineering-for-development student groups, and representatives of funding agencies. There will also be plenty of time for structured and unstructured conversation.

Please see for additional information.