IJESJP Call for Submissions

Dear ESJP community,

We hope this message finds all of you well. As you may remember from the 2018 conference in San Diego, there is a new editorial staff for IJESJP, with publishing options in both English and Spanish. Starting in 2019 we are planning to publish 2 issues per year (be on the lookout for a Call For Proposals in the next few weeks). In the meantime, if you have papers ready or almost-ready to go, we will be publishing a December 2018 (English) issue as well and welcome your submissions! The journal remains focused on engineering theory and practice that extends social justice and peace throughout the world and can be accessed here: https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/IJESJP/about.

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions,
Shehla Arif – shehla.arif at gmail.com
Andrea Evelyn Haverkamp – haverkaa at oregonstate.edu
Mira Olson – mso28 at drexel.edu