Hybrid Praxes
Transforming society from diverse theories and actions
We call contributions that reflect and act from hybrid places, in other words, that possess characteristics of different theoretical, conceptual or methodological nature in the relation of Engineering, Social Justice and Peace. A tribute is made to the work of two Latin Americans: Paulo Freire (Brazilian pedagogue and activist) and Orlando Fals Borda (Colombian sociologist and activist); from their efforts to create a praxis located and contextualized in a critical education. To nurture their reflections, perspectives are included where the dialogue of knowledge gives way to conversation, co-construction, consciousness, decoloniality, and respect for others knowledge. In this way, thinking in hybrid praxis invites us to create, from different places and with diverse social groups and individuals, transformations in reality, where technology is nourished by social dynamics and society is transformed by technology in a bidirectional relationship. In particular, Colombia is an exploration scenario for Engineering, Social Justice and Peace especially after the signing of the agreement between the Government and the FARC-EP in 2016 and the multiple threats to compliance and implementation.
Read more about the conference here.