Author Archives: admin
Jon Leydens
Jon Leydens is now giving his presentation. He started out with showing a cover of Prism (lower left) that definitely doesn’t resonate with our group as an example of the prevailing injustice in engineering practice.
Some notes from the access to engineering panel…
In our first panel for ESJP 2010, Matthew Harrison talked about the efforts made in the UK to include traditionally non-represented groups such as women in engineering education.
Lisa McLoughlin talked about the tension between abstract knowledge and practical knowledge in engineering education especially as experienced by ”practical” students at a community college. The focus on the abstract knowledge might cause these practical students to feel “lost”. Ways of addressing this include focus on design and problem based learning.
Lisa asked if engineering education should change to accommodate students from non-traditional backgrounds? Her answer is “Yes”. We should at least expand the scope of whom we accommodate.
One question asked then was how do you get a wide range of students? Matthew took a shot at answering that by talking about using real life models in relevant areas.
Matthew argued that some reasons for people from low-socioeconomic background to become engineers are: 1. Money and secure job. 2. Flexible degree.
Lisa added that we should not underestimate the economic motivation from those from low-socioeconomic background. After all, it’s hard to support a family or change the world working at McDonalds.
Access to Engineering Education
Usman here. I missed a great first session due to a bad alarm clock and some train timing problems, but I did manage to catch a bit of the second session. Among other ideas, we talked about the access to engineering education to those who come from low-income backgrounds. Both Matthew and Lisa held the attention of the audience and it was a great session. I'll post some notes from the session soon.
Looking forward to seeing you all next week – thanks Usman for setting up the live blogging space which will help us all capture our thoughts as we progress.
I wanted also to suggest everyone tries to come along with an idea of their own personal goal for the meeting – we will be working on these throughout.
Caroline Baillie Chair in Engineering Education Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics University Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley 6009, Perth, Western Australia
Perth +61864883137 London +442089836121 (GMT+1)
Coming soon…
We’ll be liveblogging the ESJP 2010 conference right on this site. If you’d like to know what’s going on at the conference but can’t make it to London, tune in here! We’ll be posting audio recordings and videos from the conference as well.
Invitation to Attend
The ESJP network invites university/college academics, engineering professionals, activists, educators, representatives from civil society, and members of the public to the 2010 ESJP Conference. The full programme of the conference has been posted. The conference includes a wide variety of workshops and panel discussions that deal with the intersection of engineering, social justice, and peace.
Spaces are limited so be sure to register soon! Registration for the conference will be open until the end of May.
More details about the conference here.
Conference Programme is Up!
ESJP Grad Audio Documentary
Usman Mushtaq (MSc 2010, Civil Engineering), presents his graduate research, which looks critically at the profession of engineering and our technology. Using his life story, Usman connects the values of technology and how a technology is designed with the oppression of people. This is followed by a discussion with Dr. Jonathan VanderSteen (University of Guelph), Syed Imran Ali (PhD Candidate, University of Guelph), and Amy Buitenhuis (Queen’s University) on how non-oppressive technology may be designed in an inclusive manner, so that it is socially just.
The documentary can be listened here:
New Trailer for Waste for Life
Waste for Life Trailer from Waste for Life on Vimeo.