
This is the space for the archive of the ESJP zine, Reconstruct.

  • Volume 3 Summer 2011: For this volume of the zine, we have contributions from Caroline Baillie, who calls on academics to remake the University, and an essay addressing accessibility in engineering by Lisa McLoughlin. echo-loco shows us how to spice up protests and demos with our own portable sound system while Nicholas Sakellariou writes about all kinds of engineers. Taking a different approach from the other contributions, Taylor Loy adds some great poetry to this volume. Finally, the zine includes some content from the ESJP website (http://www.esjp.org): an excerpt from Donna Riley’s post on the Peace Pilgrimage for a Nuclear Free World and some drawings by participants in the 2010 ESJP Conference.
  • Volume 2 Summer 2009
  • Volume 1 Summer 2006